- Rigidbody are the component that allow a game object to be effected by physics.
- They allow the game object to fall under gravity and physics properties such as Mass, Drag and velocity.
- A game object must also have a collider attached in order to interact with other physics object.
- Mass of the game object effect how collision are treated with objects.
- A game object with the higher mass react less when collided with lower mass game objects.
- Drag of a game object effects how quickly it will slow down without other interactions.
- Angular Drag effect how quickly the game object will slow its angular velocity.
- Use Gravity decides weather or not the game objects is effected by gravity.
- Setting for gravity can be seen in the Edit > Project Setting > physics
- IsKinematic setting effect weather or not a rigidbody will react to physics
- Ordinary when a scene begin , all static geometry ,meaning any non-rigidbody objects are checked by the physics engine and not checked again for efficiency.
- However when you move a static object the physics engine must re-check all other static object for the sake of accuracy, and this can be expensive to performance.
- To avoid this, Kinematic rigidbody object can used and moved via their transform be using translate function.
- This means that you can have physics objects that effects other but are not effect themselves.
- The Interpolate and Extrapolate settings are there to solve jittering,
- If you experience slight movement of your object when it via rigidbody ,make use of the interpolate setting in order to smooth the transform movement based on the previous frame.
- Extrapolate setting to smooth based on Predicted location in the next frame.
- There are different types of collision detection ,Continuous,Continuous Dynamic,Discreate.
- Continuous is for fast moving objects that are interacting with static geometry.
- Continous Dynamic is for fast moving object that are interact with other dynamic objects.
- Discreate is default unless you have problem you should use it.
- Constraint section of the rigidbody allow you to constraint movement or rotation of the object by physics.